Friday, April 8, 2011

Income level

                    Income level
        In today’s society, especially in the United States, only one income can’t really respond to the needs of a family. Income level basically determines the body size of a person. According to the Food Inc. movie, Eric Schlosser acknowledges that the size of a person depends on his/her income level. I will be talking about why most people in America are diabetic.

When I looked at the relationship between health and economic status among American birth cohorts, I noticed that the idea of being healthy resides at one’s income level. People with smaller incomes  usually don't have time to be concerned about their body weight.The possibility to spend money on gym membership seems little for them. Fresh fruits and vegetables are more expensive than cheaper to feed, you have to do the most you can with your grocery budget. Maria Andrea Gonzales’s husband in the Food inc. movie can’t even afford to buy health food for his family. For him to save money, he has to buy foods with too much calories with salt, fat and sugar. Frederic is a driver and his diabetic. Things are though for  her husband  because Frederic has two alternatives,either buying healthy food for his family or paying for his medicine, which is expensive. His income is the one that responds to the family needs, so he has to buy the medicine; otherwise, he won’t be able to feed is family.

Obesity in low-income households is higher than high-income households. Low-income households by more higher-calorie foods than high-income households. Sodium is needed by our bodies to keep us healthy, however, too much of it can be hazardous. Those in greatest need, furthermore, tend to be both instance, that the lower your income, the more likely you are to inhabit an “obesogenic” environment. High income workers may have more time to cook their own meal or buy organic food, and may have more money to join sports clubs, and more opportunities to exercise outdoors. According to Paul Ernsberger, a professor of nutrition at Case Western Reserve University, women who are two standard deviations overweight make 9 percent less money than those who have three fewer years of work experience.

Erich Schlosser found it difficult that junky foods tend to be cheaper than healthy food. He poses an important question that absolutely blew my mind “why can you buy a double cheese burger for 99 cents, but you can get a head of broccoli for the same price?’’  Those calories are so cheap because those are the ones we heavily subsidized.  Because of low income level, people can’t organic foods. They eat whatever they can, and their mind is set on eating. As the author of the fast food nation book mentions believes, the problem of obesity is too many calories, and people are consume so much of it because the money that they are making is so low ,that they can  only consume unhealthy food.


1 comment:

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