Sunday, March 20, 2011


     Throughput is the amount of work that a computer can do in a given time period.  Moreover; it’s the way that workers of a corporation work in a faster way with technology. A few workers can accomplish tremendous work by augmenting the speed in order to have more work done.

In the fast food nation, Eric Schlosser wrote about the concept of throughput, here is an example. On page 69, the third paragraph reveals that: at Burger King Restaurants, frozen hamburger patties are placed on a conveyer belt and put from a broiler 90 seconds later fully cooked. This paragraph clearly explain how fast Burger King produces it's hamburgers by using machinery and workers who can get these hamburgers get ready in no times. It's is extremely important for the corporations to serve their customers this way, because to attain their goals which are success and serving their customers in  faster way ,the cooking process should be very quick and simple. All the supplies are already prepared, all what employees have to do is to press a button and boom , burgers are ready for everyone .Business historian Alfred D. Chandler has introduced this concept "throughput" that has its origin in the assembly line systems ,which later become successful for the corporations.

Here is a picture.

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